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BACK TO SCHOOL - COLLEGE EDITION Tips on how to keep your dorm clean

A multitude of young men and women are about to embark on their inaugural college semester. We’ve Got It Maid Cleaning Service knows that maintaining a cleaning routine on their own may not have been something college coeds had to do at home. For the sake of roommates everywhere, we have a few pointers in keeping your dorm room or apartment clean and tidy.

The number 1 piece of advice we can give?... BREAK THE JOB UP INTO SMALLER TASKS It’s easy to put off cleaning for days or weeks, and then when your mess gets so huge it can no longer be ignored, you have to spend a big part of your weekend digging yourself out from under it – or even worse it seems so insurmountable you can’t get motivated to even start.

  • The easiest thing you can do – and one that surprisingly makes your room look clean instantly – is make your bed.

  • Alternate simple “no brainers” every other day - like wiping down your bathroom counter & sink with a disposable wipe (like Clorox), emptying/filling the dishwasher (if you have one), spot vacuuming (or Swiffer-ing if you have a linoleum floor), and tidying up your desk.

  • Tackle one “big deal” a week – or two if you’re feeling extra motivated – things like scrubbing the toilets and showers (if you have your own), washing & changing your sheets, cleaning mirrors & windows, wiping the microwave inside and out, and cleaning out the refrigerator (both old food and sanitizing the inside surface).

You will obviously want to adapt your schedule to your particular situation... like if you live in a dorm with communal bathrooms, or an apartment suite with shared bathrooms. If you have roommates, you can divvy up the tasks to shorten your cleaning time.

It takes a little bit of commitment and willpower, but if you stick to your schedule these tasks will simply become habit and your room will look great everyday… especially when mom and dad decided to pop in unexpectedly!


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